FGOS HE in Pharmacy

FGOS VO majoring in Nuclear Reactors and Materials

FGOS VO majoring in Acting

FSES HE specializing in Forensic Science

FGOS HE in Customs

FSES HE majoring in Fundamental and Applied Chemistry

FGOS HE majoring in Astronomy

FSES HE majoring in Economic Security

FSES HE majoring in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics

FSES of HE in Veterinary Medicine

FGOS VO majoring in Conducting a military wind orchestra

FGOS VO majoring in Ammunition and fuses

FGOS VO majoring in Art of concert performance

FSES HE majoring in Sound Engineering of Audiovisual Arts

FGOS HE majoring in Painting

FGOS HE majoring in Painting and Fine Arts

FGOS VO majoring in Cinematography

FGOS HE majoring in Graphics

FSES HE majoring in Film Studies

FSES HE majoring in Composition

FSES HE in Computer Security

FGOS HE in Clinical Psychology

FGOS HE specializing in Preventive Medicine

FGOS HE specializing in General Medicine

FSES HE majoring in Literary Creativity

FGOS HE specializing in Medical Biophysics

FGOS HE majoring in Monumental and decorative art

FGOS HE in Medical Biochemistry

FSES HE in Pediatrics

FSES HE specializing in Legal support of national security

FSES HE majoring in Translation and Translation Studies

FGOS HE in the specialty Psychology of work activity

FGOS VO majoring in Directing Film and Television

FGOS HE majoring in Production

FSES HE majoring in Design of technological machines and complexes

Pedagogics and psychology of deviant behavior

FSES HE specializing in law enforcement