As part of the functioning of the educational platform "Legal University.RF", an extensive set of additional thematic events for self-development is held for all students, based on lectures by leading professors, doctors of science. Additional educational materials for self-development are available to all listeners and students of the educational platform "Legal University.RF"
Key events for the coming semester:
Philosophy Month
series of lectures by professor, doctor of philological sciences Sergey Nikolaevich Ilchenko
Born November 2, 1957 in Leningrad. In 1975 he graduated from secondary school no. 525 in Leningrad. In the same year he entered and in 1980 graduated with honors from the theater department of LGITMiKA, having received the specialty "theatre critic". He began his career in 1980 as an employee of the Unified Scientific and Methodological Center for Folk Art and Cultural and Educational Work. In 1981-1982. He served in active military service in the Soviet Army. After the end of the service, he continued to work at his former place of work. In 1983, he was invited to work in the Main Department of Culture of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council (later - the Committee for Culture of the Administration of St. Petersburg), where he worked until February 2001, the last ten years as a press secretary. During this time, he held about 500 press conferences. Published in the magazines "Gorod", "PR-dialogue", "Journalist", "Technology of cinema and television". Author of over 2000 publications on various issues of art, culture and mass media. Since 1985, cooperation with the Leningrad Radio began. Currently, he is the author and presenter of the programs “Legends and Myths of the 20th Century” and “Accents of the Week” (radio Petersburg), “Eight and a Half” and “Music in the Cinema Hall” (radio Russia) . Since 1988, he has collaborated with various programs of Leningrad television: Musical Pilot, Forecast-Inform-Review, Adam's Apple, Sunday Labyrinth, In All Mind, Five Evenings. Member of the Union of Journalists since 1998. In February 2001, he was invited to work at the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University as an Associate Professor, and then Head of the Department of Radio and Television. He was the scientific adviser of the candidate of philological sciences V.P. Letunovsky and the candidate of political sciences N.S. Andreev. Works on the topic "Modern game television: types and forms."
a series of lectures by Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Ilya Igorevich Dokuchaev
A student and follower of the Soviet and Russian philosopher and culturologist M. S. Kagan. The creator of the concept of historical types of intersubjectivity: functional and role communication in traditional and creative culture (monograph "Introduction to the history of communication"), the concept of axiological foundations of culture, understood as an integral generative model of a cultural- historical type (monograph "Value and Existence") and the concept of a multilevel semiosis (the process of creating and interpreting signs and texts of various types), understood as an a priori form of any process of human activity (monograph "Phenomenology of the sign").
series of lectures by Professor, Doctor of Philology Vladimir Alekseevich Meskin
Born in 1950 in the city of Kondrovo, Kaluga region. At the age of sixteen, he went into production, studied at an evening school for working youth, and served in the army. In 1979 he graduated from the Philological Department of the Peoples' Friendship University, then named after Patrice Lumumba. Then he worked as a translator of English and Arabic in Iraq, taught Russian literature at the Kaluga State Pedagogical Institute. Since 1981, he taught, studied in graduate school, doctoral studies at the Department of Literature at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, then named after V.I. Lenin, now - Moscow State Pedagogical University. He is married and has an adult daughter and grandson.
a series of lectures by Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Cheslav Bronislavovich Daletsky
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Area of scientific and pedagogical interests: "Rhetoric", "Oratory", "Culturology", "Ethics", "Aesthetics", "Religious Studies". More than 120 works published. Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education. Rosobrnadzor expert on: state supervision of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on education; monitoring compliance with license requirements and conditions; state control of the quality of education. Federal expert of the Guild of experts in the field of vocational education.
a series of lectures by Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Dmitry Gennadievich Gorin
In 1995 he graduated from the Bryansk State Pedagogical university. I.G. Petrovsky. In 1999 he graduated from the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 1999 he became a candidate of sociological sciences (specialty: 22.00.06 - sociology of spiritual life, topic: "Images of the state in the life world of the inhabitants of the province: on the material of the city of Bryansk"). In 2004 he became a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (specialty: 24.00.01 - Theory and History of Culture, topic: "The Semantic Development of Space and Time in the Civilizational Dynamics of Russian Culture"). In 1995-2002 worked in state and municipal authorities and administration of the Bryansk region. He has been working in the higher education system since 1999. He has spoken at international, all-Russian, interregional conferences and seminars in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Lisbon, Paris, Berlin and other cities of Russia and the world.
a series of lectures by Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, UNESCO expert in the field of culture and education Nizami Mustaf oglu Mammadov
Mamedov N.M. is an honorary worker of the Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, a laureate of the Moscow Grant competitions in the field of science and technology in the field of education. He was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor". research area. Recognized specialist in the field of philosophy of science and technology, philosophy of education, philosophy of culture, social ecology, theory of sustainable development. In the works of Mamedov N.M. the foundations of the modeling method and integrative processes in science are revealed; the connection between the development of technology and socio-cultural and value-ideological attitudes; substantiated the conceptual unity of ecology; the ecological concept of culture is offered; the role of culture in the historical process and in the transition of modern society to sustainable development is shown. In recent years, he has paid special attention to questions of the nature and essence of man, historical destinies and perspectives of humanism. Mamedov N.M. - author of more than 300 scientific publications, including monographs that have received recognition from the scientific community: "Modeling and synthesis of knowledge", "Ecological problem and technical sciences", "Culture, ecology, education", "Ecology and technology"; school textbook "Ecology", which has gone through 5 editions and translated into a number of foreign languages, manuals for higher educational institutions: "Introduction to the theory of sustainable development", "Fundamentals of social ecology", "Ecology and sustainable development" ; editor - compiler of more than 30 collective works. He is fond of journalism, is the author of a series of essays about great scientists, prominent cultural figures and contemporaries.
series of lectures by Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Sergey Anatolyevich Nizhnikov
Born on September 22, 1962 in Zhlobin, Gomel region. The area of scientific interests is spiritual knowledge in the cultures of the East and West, the ontology of faith, the transcendental-existential dimension of human existence, the essence of man and his self-knowledge, political philosophy. In 1992 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The Problem of the Spiritual in Western and Eastern Culture and Philosophy”, in 2002 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Metaphysics of Faith in Russian Philosophy”, the author of monographs of the same name, as well as “Kant's Philosophy in Russian Thought” ( 2005), “Spiritual knowledge and dialogue between the cultures of East and West (2008). Author of a number of textbooks ("Philosophy", "History of Philosophy", "Man and Society", "Social Science"). He has more than 150 publications, including abroad.