FSES HE in Anthropology and Ethnology

FSES HE in Oriental and African Studies

FGOS HE in History

FGOS HE in Document Science and Archiving

FGOS HE in Linguistics

FGOS VO in the field of Intelligent Systems in the Humanitarian Sphere

FSES HE in Applied Ethics

FSES HE in Religious Studies

FSES HE in Theology

FGOS VO in the direction of Recreation and sports and health tourism

FGOS HE in Philology

FSES HE in Fundamental and Applied Linguistics

FSES HE in the field of Physical Education

FGOS HE in Philosophy

FSES HE in Nursing

FSES HE in the field of Vocal Art

FSES HE in the direction of Arts and Crafts and Folk Crafts

FGOS HE in Fine Arts

FGOS VO Design

FGOS HE in Conducting

FGOS HE in Dramaturgy

FSES VO in the direction of Art of Costume and Textile

FGOS HE in the direction of the Art of Folk Singing

FGOS HE in Art History

FGOS HE in the direction of Culturology

FSES HE in Musical and Instrumental Arts

FGOS VO in the direction of Restoration

FSES HE in the field of Musical variety art

FSES HE in Musicology and Musical Applied Arts

FGOS HE in Theater Studies

FSES HE in Theory and History of Art

FSES HE in Circus Art

FGOS HE in Mechanical Engineering

FGOS HE in Geography

FSES HE in Radiophysics

FGOS HE in Geology

FGOS VO in Hydrometeorology

Statistics of the Federal State Educational Standards

FGOS VO in Cartography and Geoinformatics

FSES VO in Soil Science

FSES HE in Applied Hydrometeorology

FSES HE in Physics

FSES HE in Chemistry

FSES VO in the direction of Ecology and Nature Management

FGOS HE in Hospitality

FSES HE in Foreign Regional Studies

FSES HE in Management

FGOS VO in the direction of housing and communal infrastructure

FSES HE in International Relations

FSES VO in the direction of State and municipal administration

FSES HE in Conflictology

FSES HE in Political Science

FSES HE in Psychology

FSES HE in the direction of organizing work with youth

FSES HE in Public Policy and Social Sciences

FSES of HE in the direction of Regional Studies of Russia

FSES HE in the direction of Service

FSES HE in Social Work

FGOS HE in Commodity Science

FSES HE in Sociology

FGOS VO in the field of Trade

FGOS VO in the direction of Television

FGOS HE in Economics

FSES HE in Business Informatics

FGOS HE in Human Resource Management

FSES HE in Jurisprudence

FSES HE in Vocational training (by industry)

FSES HE in Psychological and Pedagogical Education

FSES HE in Special (defectology) education

FSES HE in the direction of Pedagogical Education

FGOS VO in the direction of hydromelioration

FSES VO in the field of Zootechnics