Government and municipal employees. Applications are being accepted for additional professional legal education with the qualification «LAWYER». Find out more here

As part of the functioning of the educational platform \“Legal University.RF\”, an extensive range of additional thematic events is held for all students for self-development, based on lectures by leading professors, doctors of sciences.
Additional educational materials for self-development are available to all listeners and students of the educational platform «Legal University. RF»

Key events for the next six months:
Half year «Geographic surveys»

a cycle of lectures by Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Anokhin, Doctor of Geographical Sciences
Vladimir Mikhailovich Anokhin – Professor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences . Author of about 50 printed scientific papers in various scientific publications, incl. "Reports of the Academy of Sciences", "Geotectonics", monographs "Global disjunctive network: structure and origin", compiled a number of geological maps, created the Geoecological Atlas of the Eastern Gulf of Finland (2003).

docent lecture cycle , Doctor of Geographical Sciences Alexei Vladimirovich Chernov
Graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University in 1973 in the specialty "Geographer-geomorphologist". Since 1999, he has been combining scientific activity with teaching, being the head of the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. In 1981 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Morphology of the floodplains of the lowland rivers of Siberia". In 2006 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Geography and geo-ecological state of the channels and floodplains of the rivers of Northern Eurasia (within the former USSR). Doctor of Geography. He has the academic title of associate professor. He is a specialist in channel processes, mapping of channel processes and zoning of territories according to their distribution , the formation and development of river floodplains, the ecological state of channels, floodplains and river valleys in general. He is also engaged in paleogeomorphological and geoarchaeological research, in particular, the restoration of the physiographic conditions of the habitation of an ancient person in the Late Glacial and Holocene according to the relief and structure of river floodplains. He was the leader and the executor of 18 RFBR grants and grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation.He has 180 scientific papers, including articles, maps, monographs.

Government and municipal employees. Applications are being accepted for additional professional legal education with the qualification «LAWYER». Find out more here