Institute of Civil Law of the educational platform " Legal University.RF"

Today, civil law has become the right of everyday life, regulating the sphere of ordinary social relations affecting all individuals, from birth to death. Civil law as the main branch of private law is of great importance for all aspects of the life of modern society. This is due to the importance and breadth of those social relations that are the subject of civil law, the development of its norms and their everyday practical application.
Civil law is the most important branch of law, the norms of which regulate property and related personal non-property relations of citizens and legal entities, formed at the initiative of their participants and pursuing the goals of satisfying their own interests. Civil law as a certain system of legal norms regulates the most important social relations affecting the interests of all people without exception living on the territory of the Russian Federation, the interests of society and the state. The basis of these relations are relations arising in the sphere of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material and spiritual goods.
at least 160 new video lectures by professors in the field of Civil Law are recorded and processed;
more than 1800 educational resources in the field of Civil Law are being created;
more than 600 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Civil Law;
more than 200 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the direction of Civil Law;
more than 2500 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Civil Law;
more than 20 scientific and methodical works in the field of Civil Law are published;
at least 700 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of Civil Law;
analyzes and studies at least 4000 scientific works of the international scientific community in the field of Civil Law;
at least 5 conferences and methodological seminars in the field of Civil Law are held.

Institute of Administrative Law of the educational platform" Legal University.RF"

Administrative law is one of the largest and most complex branches of the Russian legal system. This is determined by the variety of tasks facing it. Each of the spheres of society requires its own administrative and legal norms covering their activities. There is not a single sphere of social life in which the state administration would not participate.
Administrative law is one of the central branches of Russian law, the norms of which are closely intertwined and are applied in conjunction with the norms of other branches of not only public, but also private law. Such a place of this branch in the system of branches of law is determined primarily by the fact that its norms determine the legal foundations for the organization and implementation of administrative and administrative and administrative and security activities of the state, during which the competent administrative and public authorities apply the norms of many branches of both public and private law, in particular financial, customs, civil, family, housing, urban planning, land, environmental. For example, the norms of administrative law define the system, administrative competence and powers, administrative and legal forms and methods of activity of tax authorities that carry out tax regulation and tax control, while applying the norms of financial (tax) law, regulate the procedure for state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, rights to real estate and transactions with it, the procedure for issuing licenses for certain types of entrepreneurial activities. Through the competent administrative and public bodies of the relevant registration and permitting actions, the relevant norms of civil law are applied.
at least 120 new video lectures by professors in the direction of Administrative Law are recorded and processed;
more than 1400 educational resources are being created in the direction of Administrative Law;
more than 300 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the direction of Administrative Law;
more than 100 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the direction of Administrative Law;
more than 700 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Administrative Law;
more than 10 scientific and methodical works in the field of Administrative Law are published;
at least 400 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of Administrative Law;
analyzes and studies at least 300 scientific papers of the international scientific community in the direction of Administrative Law;
at least 4 conferences and methodological seminars are held in the direction of Administrative Law.