Department of Housing Law of the educational platform " Law University of RF"
In modern conditions, housing remains one of the most discussed topics, and the problem of providing citizens with housing does not lose its urgency and requires its immediate resolution. The solution to the is complicated by the lack of resources for the expanded reproduction of housing, the ongoing urbanization and growth of cities, the constant influx of refugees and internally displaced persons from neighboring countries and “hot spots” problem into Russia, and the lack of necessary financial resources for a fairly large part of the population.
With the transition of Russia to a market economy in housing policy, there has been a tendency to reduce the state and municipal housing stock. The insufficiency of financial resources allocated for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock has led to the unsuitability of many residential premises for further residence of citizens due to accidents, dilapidation, and the impossibility of restoring to a level that meets technical and sanitary standards.
Therefore, programs and mechanisms were developed to meet the needs of the population in housing not at the expense of public consumption funds, but at the expense of citizens' own funds. Thus, this was exactly what the privatization of residential premises was aimed at; free transfer to the ownership of citizens of residential premises occupied by them in state and municipal housing stocks. Various programs for subsidizing housing construction, various forms of mortgage lending, etc. are being developed and implemented.
at least 40 new video lectures by professors in the field of Housing Law are recorded and processed;
more than 300 educational resources are being created in the direction of Housing Law;
more than 100 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Housing Law;
more than 170 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the field of Housing Law;
more than 300 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Housing Law;
more than 3 scientific and methodical works are published in the field of Housing Law;
at least 300 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of Housing Law;
analyzes and studies at least 90 scientific works of the international scientific community in the direction of Housing Law;
at least 2 conferences and methodological seminars are held in the direction of Housing Law.
Department of Municipal Law of Russia of the educational platform "Legal University.RF"

The Constitution of the Russian Federation for the first time not only fixed local self-government at the highest legal level as one of the foundations of the constitutional system and an independent form of democracy, but also laid the foundation for the formation of a fundamentally new for domestic state science and a complex branch isolated in the system of Russian law - municipal law.
The allocation in the Russian system of law of municipal law as an independent branch of law that regulates social relations related to the independent and under its own responsibility activities of the population of the municipality to address issues of local importance is explained by the fact that: firstly, local self-government constitutes an independent system of power of the people on the ground, and local self-government bodies are authorized to resolve all issues of local importance; secondly, local self-government bodies are not included in the system of state authorities.
At present, municipal law is a complex system of municipal legal norms proper, as well as norms relating to various branches of law: constitutional, administrative, financial, land, etc.
The diversity and novelty of these norms, their quantitative and qualitative growth, on the one hand, and the dynamic development of social relations associated with the implementation of local self-government, on the other, cause certain difficulties both in studying municipal law and in applying its norms in practice.
at least 90 new video lectures by professors in the field of Municipal Law of Russia are recorded and processed;
more than 700 educational resources are being created in the direction of the Municipal Law of Russia;
more than 300 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the direction of the Municipal Law of Russia;
more than 190 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the direction of the Municipal Law of Russia;
more than 300 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of the Municipal Law of Russia;
more than 5 scientific and methodical works are published in the direction of the Municipal Law of Russia;
at least 500 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of the Municipal Law of Russia;
analyzes and studies at least 600 scientific papers of the international scientific community in the field of Russian municipal law;
at least 2 conferences and methodological seminars were held in the direction of the Municipal Law of Russia.
Department of Theory of State and Law of the educational platform "Legal University.RF"

The theory of state and law is an integral part of the legal sciences and one of the most important components of a complex holistic system of knowledge about society, the state and law. Studying the most important institutions of state and law, the theory is not limited to considering only one state or its law, but on the basis of studying the diversity of forms of state and law determines the general and special moments in their development, the main features and essential characteristics. The theory of state and law stands out in the system of legal sciences as an independent scientific branch of knowledge, since objective laws operate in real science, then in relation to branch and special legal sciences it acts as a basic science that has important methodological significance , consisting in the development of complex specific problems, facing the legal sciences.
Specialist lawyers need to know well what is important for solving legal cases, i.e. the content of specific laws, the procedure for implementing legal procedures, etc. But in order to understand all this, one must not only know and understand the provisions of the theory of state and law, but also skillfully use them in practice. As an academic discipline, the theory of state and law performs very important functions: it allows you to move on to the study of branch legal disciplines, develops abstract, analytical thinking, forms a political and legal culture, i.e. provides adequate general theoretical training. The deepening of the feedback between the theory of state and law with private or structural legal sciences leads to an increase in the role of the latter not only in specially professional, but also in general theoretical training, actively developing legal culture.
at least 30 new video lectures by professors in the field of Theory of State and Law are recorded and processed;
more than 200 educational resources are being created in the direction of Theory of State and Law;
more than 190 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Theory of State and Law;
more than 180 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the direction of Theory of State and Law;
more than 200 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Theory of State and Law;
more than 4 scientific and methodical works are published in the field of Theory of State and Law;
at least 560 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of Theory of State and Law;
at least 250 scientific works of the international scientific community in the field of Theory of State and Law are analyzed and studied;
at least 3 conferences and methodological seminars are held in the direction of Theory of State and Law.

Department of International Law of the educational platform " Legal University.RF"

International law is a system of principles and norms that regulates relations between subjects of international law. This is the general definition of modern international law. If we move on to the content of international law, depending on the type of activity, we can see the different content of this concept: for a student, international law is an academic discipline with a coherent system of presentation and sequence of material, for an employee of the legal department of the ministry, international law is considered as a decision-making mechanism, for international law is a complex of knowledge about the patterns of development and functioning of international law, in which various logical operations are necessarily present - idealization , abstraction, comparison, that is, the scientific approach has its own goals and objectives, for business owners, shareholders and investors international law are the rules that help you plan your business and ensure that your investment is protected.
The modern world is characterized by a variety of international relations of a political, economic, scientific, technical, cultural, humanitarian, religious, and legal nature. These relations are carried out by states, their associations, international organizations, committees and commissions created by them, international judicial institutions, peoples fighting for their independence, international non-governmental organizations, transnational corporations, individuals and legal entities. All these subjects and the relations that arise between them, both in the international arena and within the framework of national legal systems, together form an international system in a broad sense.
at least 30 new video lectures by professors in the field of International Law are recorded and processed;
more than 400 educational resources in the field of International Law are being created;
more than 300 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of International Law;
more than 100 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the field of International Law;
more than 700 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of International Law;
more than 10 scientific and methodical works in the field of International Law are published;
at least 300 audio recordings in the direction of International Law are recorded and processed;
analyzes and studies at least 5000 scientific works of the international scientific community in the field of International Law;
at least 3 conferences and methodological seminars in the field of International Law are held.
Department of Legal Expertise of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts of the Educational Platform "Legal University.RF"

Systematic problems that arise in the implementation of normative acts leading to the need to reassess the activities for their preparation, and today increased attention is paid to conducting various kinds of examinations in relation to draft normative legal acts.
At the same time, it must be stated that the lack of a common concept of the institution of expertise has led to the fact that there are no uniformly legislatively fixed tasks, functions and principles of expert activity, its clear distinctions from related types, and a diverse understanding of it in various branches of knowledge.
Legal examination of normative legal acts is designed to establish the compliance of documents with certain requirements - compliance with constitutional norms; compliance with laws and acts of higher legal force that operate in a particular industry; compliance with international standards; lack of factors contributing to corruption; the validity of the choice of the form of the document; correct use of basic terms.
As a rule, legal expertise is carried out at the stage of a bill. However, it happens that shortcomings and contradictions are found in the current legal act and it has to be challenged in court.
Legal expertise consists in the legal assessment of the form of the act, its content, the procedure for adoption, promulgation (publication), as well as the compliance of the act with the requirements of legal technique.
at least 70 new video lectures by professors in the field of Legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts are recorded and processed;
more than 650 educational resources are being created in the direction of Legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts;
more than 450 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the direction of Legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts;
more than 170 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the direction of Legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts;
more than 350 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts;
more than 17 scientific and methodological works are published in the field of Legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts;
at least 80 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of the Legal Expertise of draft regulatory legal acts;
analyzes and studies at least 300 scientific papers of the international scientific community in the direction of Legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts;
at least 2 conferences and methodological seminars are held in the direction of Legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts.
Department of Criminology of the educational platform "Law University .РФ"

Criminology is the study of crime (from the Latin crime - "crime" and the Greek logos - "doctrine"). Over time, the meaning of this word began to be interpreted more widely, and at present it is understood as the science of crime.
In the 20th century, criminology proved its scientific necessity and viability. An effective organization of the fight against crime is no longer conceivable without the use of criminological knowledge and the participation of specially trained criminologists.
Their help is needed in the management of social processes, in legislative and law enforcement activities. Crime, like society, is a living, constantly changing phenomenon. A creative, constantly corrected approach to it is one of the important guarantees of success. criminology science crime
Criminology, being a general theoretical science of crime, is of direct practical importance. There are many different textbooks on criminology in the world. Abroad, many of them are written for sociologists. In them, criminology appears as a sociology of crime.
In Russia, it is traditionally taught to lawyers as a social and legal discipline. That is why the definition of the significance of criminology as a science in modern conditions is relevant and timely.
at least 40 new video lectures by professors in the field of Criminology are recorded and processed;
more than 600 educational resources in the field of Criminology are being created;
more than 400 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Criminology;
more than 270 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the field of Criminology;
more than 400 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Criminology;
more than 11 scientific and methodical works in the field of Criminology are published;
at least 470 audio recordings in the field of Criminology are recorded and processed;
at least 450 scientific works of the international scientific community in the field of Criminology are analyzed and studied;
at least 2 conferences and methodological seminars in the field of Criminology are held.

Department of Criminalistics of the educational platform "Law University .РФ"

Forensic science is the science of the regularities of the mechanism of a crime, the emergence of information about a crime and its participants, as well as the regularities of collecting, researching, evaluating and using evidence and the means and methods of detecting, investigating and preventing crimes based on the knowledge of these regularities.
The founders of forensic science saw the main task of their science in obtaining a forensic scientific product, the use of which would help optimize the process of implementing the norms of criminal and criminal procedure law in the activities of law enforcement officials.
Forensics helps to shed light on the perfect act. The application of the law can take its formal course. But forensic science helps to “tear off the bandage of justice from one’s eyes”, helps, through the collected evidence, carefully weighing them, to correctly apply their “punishing sword and protecting shield”. It is in forensic science that the beginning and the main segment of the path to the discovery of the truth in the case is located. The recommendations of this science are agents that are introduced into the crime under investigation every time. Therein lies its importance.
at least 120 new video lectures by professors in the field of Criminalistics are recorded and processed;
more than 190 educational resources in the field of Forensic Science are being created;
more than 50 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Criminalistics;
more than 310 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the field of Criminalistics;
more than 340 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Forensic Science;
at least 500 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of Forensic Science;
analyzes and studies at least 300 scientific papers of the international scientific community in the field of Criminalistics;
at least 2 conferences and methodological seminars in the field of Criminalistics are held.