Scientific center of the educational platform "Law University. RF" on the problems of the implementation of the constitutional right to privacy in the context of digitalization
The modern world is experiencing a kind of boom in information and telecommunication transformations under the conditional name "digitalization" of information and, on its basis, the "digitization" of social relations. The digitalization of relations between people about the objects of the material and non-material world is the result of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in recent decades.
The era of information technology dictates the need to revise and expand universal human rights. Today, one of the main tasks of the state is to recognize and protect the digital rights of citizens from possible violations while ensuring the constitutional and legal security of the individual, society and the state based on the Constitution and taking into account the necessary international documents .
With the introduction of modern digital technologies into life, with the broad declaration of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legal insecurity of the individual remains obvious. The current situation requires the development of a concept for the development of the system of Russian legislation in the field of human rights protection in the field of digital technologies.
Scientific laboratory No. 1 of the educational platform "Legal University.RF" on the problems of state regulation of cryptocurrencies
Today, the world is on the verge of introducing new information technologies, including in the face of blockchain technology. This technology brings to the world not only itself, but the goals and ideas that it allows to solve and implement, as the Internet allowed to do in its time.
Blockchain technology has become widely known primarily due to the popularity of the use of cryptocurrencies. Numerous works of famous scientists are now devoted to this topic. The functioning of the most famous cryptocurrency today - bitcoin - is based on blockchain technology, the purpose of which is to ensure the reliability and reliability of the transfer of information about payments.
The lack of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies is a much more acute problem than the lack of regulation of the blockchain in general. Without regulatory regulation of cryptocurrency, bona fide entrepreneurs cannot use it: it is impossible to justify the income received from the sale of cryptocurrencies, it is impossible to pay taxes on them, it is impossible to pass currency control, it is impossible to legally carry out mining. Moreover, until the legal regime of cryptocurrency is defined, a transaction with it can be recognized as a one-sided transaction, a gift of goods, or a transaction in general that is contrary to the law.
The regulation of cryptocurrencies will also allow them to be used more often as a medium of exchange, which will reduce the speculative component in their use, and, accordingly, the cryptocurrency market will become less volatile. The settlement will attract large businesses to transactions using cryptocurrencies, which will reduce the shadow market and improve the reputation of cryptocurrencies, which in turn will also attract medium and large businesses.
Scientific laboratory No. 2 of the educational platform "Legal University.RF" on the problems of compensation for harm caused to the environment
The most important of our time is the active and often unreasonable human intervention problem in the most complex natural mechanism of the biosphere. The current ecological crisis threatens the possibility of sustainable development of human civilization. Further degradation of natural systems leads to the destabilization of the biosphere, the loss of its integrity and the ability to maintain the quality of the environment necessary for life. Russia plays a key role in maintaining the global functions of the biosphere, since a significant part of the Earth's biodiversity is represented in its vast territories occupied by various natural ecosystems.
The foundations of the nature management model implemented in Russia were laid down in the Soviet era. The administrative-command system of organizing the economy did not create any incentives to conserve natural resources, but, on the contrary, stimulated enterprises to overestimate their own needs for them. This led to catastrophic environmental damage in a significant part of the country, which, however, was hushed up, and sometimes not even assessed.
Based on this, the improvement of the system of administrative and legal regulation of relations in the field of ecology, including the improvement of the system of administrative and legal sanctions, can serve as a significant contribution to the common cause of ensuring the environmental safety of the Russian Federation. In connection with the above, there is a need to create an effective legal mechanism for ensuring the conservation of the natural environment and improving the environmental situation, as well as improving law enforcement practice, taking into account the novelties introduced by the new legislation.
Scientific laboratory No. 3 of the educational platform "Legal University.RF" on the problems of protecting the rights of older people and issues of their implementation in the Russian Federation
Currently, the elderly face a lot of domestic and life difficulties, which are sometimes difficult for them to deal with. In addition, older people need additional knowledge in order not to become victims of scammers. Elderly people, due to their age and health status, are the most vulnerable group of the population: they become victims of fraudsters (including the theft of housing and money), do not have sufficient information about their rights and obligations, do not have sufficient opportunity to protect their rights and receive sufficient information, they do not know who and how can help them.
The law does not allow discrimination against older persons. The state protects the rights of the elderly, creates the necessary conditions to ensure a decent and safe life. But along with this, there is a need in society to create special measures to support the elderly population. It is not enough to treat pensioners only with respect. Conditions should be created in the country and society under which a person who has reached old age could remain its full member: take an active part in public life, make his own contribution to the development of social institutions, live fully. When adopting new laws, it is necessary to take into account that today's able-bodied population will move into the category of pensioners in the near future. This is why it is so important that laws to protect older people be well thought out and enforced.