Faculty of Tax Law of the educational platform "Legal University.RF"
In the context of the transition to market relations in the Russian Federation, taxes have become the main source of income for budgets of all levels. In this regard, the issues of legal regulation of taxation are among the most relevant in the economic and social life of the Russian Federation. Therefore, tax law, as one of the divisions (sub-sectors) of financial law, is becoming its largest component with the prospect of further development.
Taxes are one of the oldest economic instruments used in society. They appeared along with the emergence of the state and were used by it as the main source of funds for the maintenance of state authorities and material support for the performance of their functions. With all the changes taking place in the process of development of human society and the state, the main purpose of taxes as a source of funds that ensure the functioning of the state has been preserved, although their role has become more ambiguous.
Tax law - a set of legal norms governing relations related to the establishment and collection of taxes and fees, as well as relations arising in the process of tax control and bringing the perpetrators to justice.
at least 110 new video lectures by professors in the field of Tax Law are recorded and processed;
more than 500 educational resources are being created in the field of Tax Law;
more than 100 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Tax Law;
more than 100 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the field of Tax Law;
more than 900 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the field of Tax Law;
more than 10 scientific and methodical works in the field of Tax Law are published;
at least 400 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of Tax Law;
analyzes and studies at least 500 scientific works of the international scientific community in the field of Tax Law;
at least 5 conferences and methodological seminars are held in the field of Tax Law.
Faculty of Legal Psychology of the educational platform " Law University of RF"
The modern stage of the fight against crime, the solution of problems associated with the processes of the formation of the rule of law require the use of modern achievements in various sciences in law enforcement and law enforcement, among which a special place is occupied by psychological science and its applied branch - legal psychology.
Legal psychology studies the manifestation and use of mental patterns in the field of legal regulation and legal activity.
Being one of the branches of psychological knowledge, it explores the problems of improving the efficiency of lawmaking, law enforcement, law enforcement and penitentiary activities based on psychological factors.
Practitioners of the system of legal regulation, encountering behavioral manifestations on a daily basis, have some empirical ideas about human psychology. However, unsystematic, empirical psychological representations are insufficient for a qualified analysis of the legal consciousness of an individual, the psychological mechanisms of law-significant behavior, and the effective organization of law enforcement and law enforcement activities.
Psychological knowledge is necessary for a lawyer both for a deep understanding of the essence of basic criminal law categories (such as guilt, motive, purpose, personality of the offender, etc.), and for solving certain legal issues - the appointment of a forensic psychological examination, professional qualification of the corpus delicti under Art. . 107 and 113 of the Criminal Code, the implementation of Art. 61 of the Criminal Code (circumstances mitigating the responsibility of the perpetrator), etc.
The implementation of many norms of the criminal procedure law (taking into account the mental development of minors, the ability of witnesses and victims to correctly perceive and present events) also requires appropriate psychological knowledge.
at least 90 new video lectures by professors in the field of Legal Psychology are recorded and processed;
more than 500 educational resources are being created in the field of Legal Psychology;
more than 120 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Legal Psychology;
more than 100 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the field of Legal Psychology;
more than 10 scientific and methodical works in the field of Legal Psychology are published;
at least 200 audio recordings in the direction of Legal Psychology are recorded and processed;
analyzes and studies at least 300 scientific papers of the international scientific community in the field of Legal Psychology;
at least 2 conferences and methodological seminars in the field of Legal Psychology are held.
Faculty of Financial Law of the educational platform " Law University of RF"
Financial law affects the most important aspects of the life of society and the state as a whole. Through the norms of financial law, the monetary funds of the state and municipalities are created, directed to the implementation of both internal and external tasks that are generally significant for the country, which, ultimately, affects the life of each individual person.
Financial law is a complex branch of law that combines, in addition to the norms governing the general rules in the field of financial relations, also their various specific aspects - budgetary, tax, banking, currency, etc.
Financial law is an independent branch of Russian law, which is characterized by its own subject, method and principles, has features in the implementation of rights and obligations.
at least 70 new video lectures by professors in the direction of Financial Law are recorded and processed;
more than 300 educational resources are being created in the direction of Financial Law;
more than 200 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Financial Law;
more than 100 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the direction of Financial Law;
more than 300 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Financial Law;
more than 10 scientific and methodical works in the field of Financial Law are published;
at least 400 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of Financial Law;
analyzes and studies at least 600 scientific papers of the international scientific community in the field of financial law;
at least 2 conferences and methodological seminars are held in the direction of Financial Law.
Faculty of Family Law of the educational platform " Law University of RF"
The family is a unique institution of society. It has a specific, irreplaceable influence on the development of the personality of any person, and especially minor children. In the Russian Federation, the family, motherhood and childhood are under the protection of the state. This is enshrined in the fundamental law of the country - in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 38). The dominant position among the legal norms designed to protect the family are the norms of family law aimed at establishing such relations in the family in which the interests of the individual would be fully satisfied and the necessary conditions were created to ensure a decent life and free development of each family member, the upbringing of children. . Family law regulates a special type of social relations - relations between people in connection with marriage, the creation of a family, the birth and upbringing of children. The totality of these relations is the subject of family law, which is an independent branch of Russian law. Thus, family law is a set of legal norms governing personal non-property and property family relations arising from marriage and kinship, and relations equated by law with family ones in order to protect and strengthen the family, the rights and interests of its members. The regulation of family relations is carried out in accordance with the principles (basic principles) of family law. The main goal of the legal regulation of family relations is to strengthen the family, building family relations on feelings of mutual love and respect, mutual assistance and responsibility to the family of all its members.
at least 40 new video lectures by professors in the field of Family Law are recorded and processed;
more than 200 educational resources in the field of Family Law are being created;
more than 300 original illustrations are drawn for methodological and educational materials in the field of Family Law;
more than 100 unique smart objects are being designed to improve the perception of educational material in the direction of Family Law;
more than 700 author's tests are compiled to better control the assimilation of material in the direction of Family Law;
more than 10 scientific and methodical works in the field of Family Law are published;
at least 700 audio recordings are recorded and processed in the direction of Family Law;
at least 100 scientific works of the international scientific community in the field of Family Law are analyzed and studied;
at least 3 conferences and methodological seminars in the field of Family Law are held.