Volunteer headquarters of the educational platform "Legal University.RF"
One of the fundamental principles of the functioning of the educational platform "Legal University.RF" is the widespread involvement of Russian volunteers in the implementation of socially significant and socially useful projects. Without the sincere and disinterested help of hundreds of volunteers, it would be impossible to implement most of the educational and scientific projects of the educational platform "Legal University.RF". The "Volunteer Division" of the educational platform "Legal University. RF" has in its ranks people of various professions and hobbies: here junior students and honorary academicians, creatively oriented designers and algorithmic programmers, creative artists and professors of exact sciences, but everyone is united by the desire to make something useful and in demand for Russian civil society.
The brain center of the volunteer community of the educational platform "Legal University.RF" is the "Volunteer Headquarters", living in its network digital space.
The principles of the volunteer community of the educational platform "Legal University.RF":
Voluntary - no one can be forced to volunteer. Volunteer activity is carried out exclusively on the volunteer's own initiative.
Collectivity - a volunteer must be able to interact with his team, work effectively in a team of volunteers.
Volunteering – Volunteering is not paid and is not an alternative to paid work.
Responsibility - the volunteer is responsible for his work, its quality and compliance with the deadlines.
Respect – the volunteer respects the dignity, personal and cultural values of other volunteers.
Self-improvement - The volunteer is always open to acquiring new knowledge and skills.
Healthy lifestyle - the volunteer strives to lead a healthy lifestyle, in which there is a place for sports and creative hobbies.
Rights of a volunteer of the educational platform "Legal University.RF":
The volunteer has the right to choose the type of activity in which he is competent and which he considers most interesting for himself.
The volunteer has the right to be treated with respect and benevolence by other project participants.
The volunteer has the right to recognition and a fair assessment of his contribution, as well as to the accounting of the time spent on volunteer activities.
The volunteer has the right to pre-training, if necessary for the implementation of the project.
Duties of a volunteer of the educational platform "Legal University.RF":
The volunteer is obligated to respect the laws of his country.
The volunteer is obliged to respect the values of the educational platform "Legal University.RF".
The volunteer is obliged to treat other participants of the project with respect.
The volunteer is responsible to respect the ideas of the project being implemented.
The volunteer is obliged to notify in a timely manner about the withdrawal from the implementation of the project, so as not to let his team down and not disrupt the deadlines for the implementation of the project.