The main functions of the educational platform "Legal University. RF" include the organization of scientific and methodological, educational, educational activities in the field of jurisprudence, assistance in the successful implementation of state targeted programs of education, science, culture, ensuring effective interdepartmental interaction, information and methodological support of federal projects in the field of education, science, enlightenment.
In its work, the educational platform "Legal University. RF" is guided by: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2019 N 1430, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.10.2021 No. 1701. As part of the functioning of the educational platform "Legal University.RF", an extensive set of additional thematic events for self-development is held for all students, based on lectures by leading professors, doctors of science.
The educational platform "Legal University. RF" is a modern digital educational platform that uses a variety of new IT technologies for effective learning, such as: an electronic notebook with extensive functionality, video lectures by professors illustrated with infographics, automatic testing systems, active use of smartphones in training. If desired, the student can use his smartphone for learning: from the moment of registration, the full alignment of an individual educational trajectory, to watching lectures by leading teachers. The mobile learning interface is friendly and intuitive. All theoretical material is duplicated in video, audio and text formats. The choice of the most convenient format is up to the listener. Infographics, "tests on the fly", an electronic notebook, didactic materials allow you to actively master the course in practical exercises. The smartphone and mobile services of the platform allow you to continue learning even while on the move.
The objectives of the educational platform "Legal University.RF" are:
- providing the adult population of Russia with the opportunity to receive high-quality additional legal education, increasing the general level of legal competencies in all spheres of society;
— scientific, educational and methodological support for the activities of the network of continuing education centers related to jurisprudence.
The main objectives of the educational platform "Legal University.RF" are:
– meeting the needs of society and the state in highly qualified legal professionals;
- satisfaction of the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through educational activities;
– organizing and conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in the main areas of jurisprudence;
- accumulation, preservation and enhancement of the moral, cultural and scientific values of society;
- dissemination of knowledge among the population, raising its educational and cultural level;
- providing personnel, scientific, methodological conditions for the development of legal education in various sectors;
- methodological and informational support of federal projects in the field of education, science, enlightenment;
- assistance in the implementation of a set of measures to form and ensure the functioning of a unified federal system of scientific and methodological support for continuous education of the adult population of the Russian Federation in terms of jurisprudence;
- creation and supervision of a federal network of centers for continuing education in the field of legal education and legal competencies;
- providing information campaigns for the participation of citizens of the Russian Federation in socially significant events related to professional growth and development of competencies in jurisprudence;
- information support for creating conditions and stimulating an increase in the level of professional skills of the working population of the Russian Federation based on the development of a system of continuous education.